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sâmbătă, 14 aprilie 2012

Wonder of wonders: Holy Fire which comes down from heaven to Jerusalem

   The phenomenon of Holy Fire of Jerusalem last a remarkable reminiscence dating back to the ancient undivided Church of Old and New Rome.

    It is an Orthodox ritual but also an heritage of the roots of the Christian West. For over twenty centuries,
the arrival of The Holy Fire on Saturday at the Tomb of Christ in Jerusalem is the greatest miracle that people can whitness. It is a miracle that proves to the end of time the Resurrection of Christ, light of the light. The miracle takes place in the Church of the Resurrection of Christ, the imposing church of all Christendom in Jerusalem. For over two thousand years, during the Great Vespers of Holy Saturday, between 12.30 and 14.30, the Light descends from heaven on the Holy Sepulchre. Because people are still skeptical, rigorous controls are proving that the miracle is genuine. Secular authorities at Jerusalem severely inspected the holy site to ensure that there is no source of fire and even controlling the Greek priest who put cotton woll over the place where the body of Savior was placed before the Resurrection. After the rigorous control,all the lights are turned off and the front door is sealed with strips of cloth with wax placed to form the letter "X". The security guards remain at the door of the Holy Sepulchre until the Fire comes down from heaven. After the patriarch is being controlled by the police, he opens the seals of the door of the Holy Sepulchre. He  is accompanied by an Arab Muslim who remain in the Chapel of the angel (antichamber of the Holy Sepulchre). The patriarch enters alone in the room of the Holy Sepulchre, kneels and prays. The church is immersed in a sea of ​​darkness and silence. Only Arabs make imploring signs. After 15-20 minutes of praying, all who are present observe a bright white-blue Light, like a lightning, descending from above through the great dome of the church. The divine spark lights the cotton wool on the Holy Sepulchre. Patriarch puts the pieces lighted in two cups of gold and comes aut in the Chapel of  Angel. Here he lights two bouquets of 33 candles, - the number representing the age of Christ at the crucifixion. Once the cotton wool is miraculously lit, the lamps in the church, candles in candlesticks and even some candles in the hands of those present are lit. At first, the divine Light is not consistent material. People reach their hair, faces and clothes with the flames of the candles. Appearances, sounds and special sensations associated with the Holy Fire (flickers of lightning, rumble, etc..), all the supernatural qualities of the flame (strange color, gentle, warm temperature, temporarily non-expendable) which has been produced intense excitement over the faithful had fascinated scientists of the phenomenon for centuries.

The phenomenon of Holy Fire of Jerusalem last a remarkable reminiscence dating back to the ancient undivided Church of Old and New Rome. It is an Orthodox ritual but also an heritage of the roots of the Christian West. For over twenty centuries, the arrival of The Holy Fire on Saturday at the Tomb of Christ in Jerusalem is the greatest miracle that people can whitness. It is a miracle that proves to the end of time the Resurrection of Christ, light of the light. The miracle takes place in the Church of the Resurrection of Christ, the imposing church of all Christendom in Jerusalem. For over two thousand years, during the Great Vespers of Holy Saturday, between 12.30 and 14.30, the Light descends from heaven on the Holy Sepulchre. Because people are still skeptical, rigorous controls are proving that the miracle is genuine. Secular authorities at Jerusalem severely inspected the holy site to ensure that there is no source of fire and even controlling the Greek priest who put cotton woll over the place where the body of Savior was placed before the Resurrection. After the rigorous control,all the lights are turned off and the front door is sealed with strips of cloth with wax placed to form the letter "X". The security guards remain at the door of the Holy Sepulchre until the Fire comes down from heaven. After the patriarch is being controlled by the police, he opens the seals of the door of the Holy Sepulchre. He  is accompanied by an Arab Muslim who remain in the Chapel of the angel (antichamber of the Holy Sepulchre). The patriarch enters alone in the room of the Holy Sepulchre, kneels and prays. The church is immersed in a sea of ​​darkness and silence. Only Arabs make imploring signs. After 15-20 minutes of praying, all who are present observe a bright white-blue Light, like a lightning, descending from above through the great dome of the church. The divine spark lights the cotton wool on the Holy Sepulchre. Patriarch puts the pieces lighted in two cups of gold and comes aut in the Chapel of  Angel. Here he lights two bouquets of 33 candles, - the number representing the age of Christ at the crucifixion. Once the cotton wool is miraculously lit, the lamps in the church, candles in candlesticks and even some candles in the hands of those present are lit. At first, the divine Light is not consistent material. People reach their hair, faces and clothes with the flames of the candles. Appearances, sounds and special sensations associated with the Holy Fire (flickers of lightning, rumble, etc..), all the supernatural qualities of the flame (strange color, gentle, warm temperature, temporarily non-expendable) which has been produced intense excitement over the faithful had fascinated scientists of the phenomenon for centuries.

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