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vineri, 13 aprilie 2012

IOR Park, the second largest park in Bucharest

    With an area of 98 hectares, Alexandru Ioan Cuza Park (the current name of the park is based on the statue of Prince Alexandru Ioan Cuza, which is placed at the entrance), also known as IOR Park (the name comes from the acronym of Romanian Optical Enterprise, from the neighborhood ) or Titan Park is the second largest park in Bucharest after Herastrau Park, measuring187 hectares.

    It is an oasis of nature and tranquility situated in the central-east side of the capital, the area beeing
surrounded by the streets: Camil Ressu, Liviu Rebreanu, Liberty Plain, Constantin Brancusi and Nicolae Grigorescu, Baba Novac. IOR Park was set up during the years 1963-1964 as a recreational area for the inhabitants of the new block of flats of Titan neighborhood. The area coming from Matei Ambrozie and Nicolae Grigorescu streets was called before Flax and the area Baba Novac was called  Reconstructii. Elders say that the park had been set up on a garbage pit that had a pond in the middle, choked by bulrush and cat tail. Inside the park was created a lake with an area of ​​50 hectares for boats. The lake, called Titan, is of natural origin, being separated by the Bridge Libiu Rebreanu in two sectors. On the lake there are some islands called “Island IOR”, “Island Pensionarilor”, “Island Înecaţilor” and “Isle of Dogs”. The Jewel of the Park IOR is The Church “Pogorârea Sfântului Duh”, in traditional Maramureş style, with a height of 45 meters, built between1994-1996 as a project of architect Constantin Joja, at the discretion of the priest Adrian Niculcea.
This material was created at the suggestion of Roxana Tache and we thank her very much. It was a wellcomed suggestion.

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